Case study


Succeeded in converting hall operations to DX

Approximately 100% reduction in ordering business、70% reduction in cash register operations、Save more than 30% on labor costs
Even in the corona whirlpool of human resources shortage、Great contribution to the continuation of restaurants

Store Name丨Sichuan Spicy Soup Shibu Valley Star
Location: 32-6 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Formula HP 丨

Authentic Sichuan with outstanding effects on beauty and diet”Yakuzemmarato”

From the location of Shibuya、Besides young people who have little resistance to online、Foreign customers also visit frequently。

Orders are accepted almost 100% as mobile orders、Because it supports multiple languages、Any staff will dispel the anxiety of dealing with foreign customers。Working in Japan、Even if there are staff who cannot speak Japanese、I'm relieved。

It was opened in Corona Whirlpool、The non-contact style can provide peace of mind to job seekers.、Hiring was smooth。

About 70% of online payment customers、It is said that accounting work has also been significantly reduced.。

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